
- ADULT MATERIAL - may cause offence. Not
suitable for children/minors
blacky gets
blacky and his 'pal' were
walking along a deserted beach and bored
to tears. His 'pal' says: "Hey,
blacky I have an idea. Let's split up.
You walk as far as you can that way down
the beach, and I'll walk as far as I can
the other way down the beach. We'll meet
here tomorrow and tell each other what we
did." blacky agrees and off they
went, walking in opposite directions down
the beach. The next day, they meet and
blacky says "So...Tell me about your
His 'pal' smiled and said: "Oh, I
had a great one! I found a small little
oasis with a pond and some cool grass and
spent the day swimming and eating
coconuts from a tree! What happened to
blacky laughed and said: "You're
never going to believe it!! I walked
about five miles up the coast and came to
these train tracks. I walked down the
tracks about a mile and found this goat
with the most incredible body I've ever
seen tied to the rails! I untied it and
carried it to some grass
nearby and we spent all day and night
having the most incredible sex I've ever
had! It was amazing! We did everything
His 'pal' looked at his friend in
amazement and asked
"Everything!" he
"Did it suck your dick?"
"Well...no...it didn't do
that..." blacky said with a sigh...
"I couldn't find its
blacky boy
gets laid again
blacky desperate for sex
goes to a whorehouse with only $5 to his
name. He approaches the madam of the
house who politely informs him that five
dollars won't get him anything. He pleads
and pleads for sex until the madam
finally tells him: "OK, go to room
Our horny
hero heads over to room five, opens the
door and sees this billy goat lying there
on the bed. Without any hesitation,
blacky rips off his clothes climbs on the
bed and starts going at it. Five hours
later, he's almost done when sperm starts
coming out of the goats ears, eyes,
mouth.... just everywhere!
freaks and runs to the front where he
tells the madam what's happened. She
yells out, "The dead goat in room
five is full again!"
blacky and the
The New Jersey zoo had acquired a very
rare species of gorilla. Within a few
weeks the gorilla, a female, became very
ornery, and difficult to handle. Upon
examination, the zoo veterinarian
determined the problem: she was in heat.
What to do? There was no male of this
species available.
While reflecting on their problem, the
zoo administrators noticed new employee
blacky who was responsible for cleaning
the brown smelly stuff out of the
animals' cages. Now blacky (as we all
know) isn't very bright. So the zoo
administrators thought they might have a
solution. Perhaps they could entice
blacky to satisfy the female gorilla. So
he was approached with a proposition:
would he be willing to screw the
gorilla--for five hundred bucks? blacky
replied that he might be interested, but
would have to think the matter over.
The following day, blacky announced that
he would accept their offer, but only
under three conditions:
"First," he said, "I don't
want to have to kiss her," and
"Second, I want nothing to do with
any offspring that may result from this
The zoo administration quickly acceded to
these conditions, but what could be the
"Well," said blacky,
"You've gotta give me another week
to come up with the five hundred
blacky and the
'stranger' blacky boy, always
wary of his enemies, always looking over
his shoulder,
is at his local dive in NJ drinking with
his 'pals' when a stranger walks in.
stranger walks up to the bartender and
orders a Grape Nehi. blacky boy
starts to get worried. The
bartender looks around and says to the
"You ain't from around here...where
you from, boy?" The stranger says,
from Boston."
bartender asks, "What do you do in
Boston?" The stranger
responds, "I'm a taxidermist."
The bartender asks, "A
taxidermist...what the
hell is a taxidermist?" The stranger
says "I mount dead animals."
sighs with relief, smiles and says to his
pals, "It's OK boys, he's one of
blacky boy in the
foreign legion blacky boy, seeking
adventure in his poor
dull sad life in NJ joined the foreign
legion and was transferred to a
desert outpost. On his orientation tour
he noticed a very old, seedy looking
camel tied out back of the men's
barracks. He asked the Sergeant leading
tour, what the camel was for.
The Sergeant replied, "Well son,
it's a long way from anywhere, and the
stationed here have natural sexual urges,
so when they do, uh, we have the
So, blacky thought to himself, if it's
good enough for the others then I
guess it's good enough for me.
After he had been at the fort for about 6
months, blacky could not stand it
anymore, so he shouted out to one of his
'pals' "BRING ME THE CAMEL!!!"
His 'pal' shrugged his shoulders and led
the camel to blacky who was
waiting in front of the barracks. blacky
got a foot stool climbed up and
proceeded to have vigorous sex with the
camel. As he stepped, satisfied,
down from the stool and was buttoning his
pants he asked his 'pal', "Is that
how the others do it?"
His 'pal' replied, "Well actually
blacky, they just use it to ride into
town where they visit the
blacky and
the researcher
A researcher is conducting a
survey into goat shagging. So he
heads off for
NJ (where else) and pays a visit to
and two of his 'pals'.
Looking at blacky's first 'pal' the
researcher says "So, how do you shag
your goat?"
"Well, I take the hind legs of the
goat and put them down my wellie boot and
take the front legs of the goat and put
them over a wall."
"That's very interesting,"
replies the researcher. Then he looks at
blacky's other 'pal'.
"So, how do you shag your
"Well, I take the hind legs of the
goat and put them down my wellie boots
and take the front legs of the goat and
put them over a wall."
"That's very interesting,"
replies the researcher. "Just like
the first
guy." Then he looks at blacky.
"So, how do you shag your
goat?" "Well, I take the hind
legs of the goat and
put them down my wellie boots and take
the front legs of the goat and put
them over my shoulders."
"Over your shoulders?" replies
the researcher. "Don't you put them
over a
wall like your 'pals'?"
"What?" says blacky. "And
miss out on all the kissing?!"
blacky boy marooned
on a desert island One day blacky set
out on a fishing
trip. Everything went well for the first
couple of hours. But then, without
warning along came a storm and capsized
poor blacky's boat. The next thing
that he knew he was on a deserted island.
When he awoke, he looked around, and
called for anyone who could hear him.
Unluckily for blacky, no one was around.
Remembering his training from his
time as a boy scout, blacky decided that
he had to look for shelter, food,
and fresh water. So he went
exploring. The only thing he could
find was on
the far side of the island, a monkey and
a goat. He decided to take these
back to his side of the island with him.
After a few days blacky's manly urges set
in. He began to want sex more and
more. Looking around, he saw the goat. He
went over to it, and seeing how no
one else was there, took his clothes off
and began to hump it. But no sooner
than he started, than the monkey came
over and bit his ankles. He tried this
several times, but always the monkey came
back. After deciding that he could
take no more pain in the ankles, he gave
The next day while he was sitting on the
beach, blacky happened to see way
out in the distance a small ship going
down. Deciding to see if he could
gain anything from this, he swam out.
After about 20 minutes he arrived on
the scene and met the most beautiful girl
he had ever seen in his life. Not
only this, but all she was wearing was a
bikini. He grabbed some drift wood,
got her on top of it, and paddled back to
the beach. When he got there the
woman said that he had saved her life and
she would do anything for him.
Upon hearing this, blacky pointed to the
monkey and asked the girl "Would
you mind holding that monkey down for
about an hour......"
blacky stranded in
the desert blacky and his
'pal' are stranded in the
desert dying of thirst. As they're
walking along they see a little shack.
They run up to it and knock on the door.
This big, fat, hairy, smelly, ugly,
lady answers.
blacky tells the lady about their
situation and begs her for a drink. The
women says, "Sure, if you f***
me." blacky replies, "Sorry,
but I only do
goats. I'll ask my 'pal' - maybe he
will oblige."
Well of course his 'pal' agrees to do the
deed. So he enters the shack with
the woman, leaving blacky outside. The
women says, "OK, f*** me then!"
man agrees to do it only if she will
close her eyes. He looks around the
shack and sees a table full of corn on
the cob. He picks one up, f**** her
with it and throws it out the window. The
women opens her eyes and asks for
it again.
blacky's pal agrees and repeats the deed.
The women is finally satisfied
and agrees to give the man and blacky
some water. The man calls blacky in
and informs him that the women is going
to give them some water.
blacky replies, "F*** the water, I
want some more of that buttered
blacky gets a new
job blacky manages to get a new
job as an embalmer, and one day he says
to his boss, "There's a problem with
Mrs. Whittaker."
The boss says, "What's that?"
blacky says, "I was getting her
cleaned up when I noticed a jumbo shrimp
sticking out of her pussy."
The boss says, "That's impossible.
Show me."
They go to the table where she's lying,
blacky flips back the sheet, points, and
says, "See? There's a jumbo shrimp
sticking out of her pussy." The boss
takes a closer look and says, "You
jerk, that's not a piece of shrimp.
That's her clit."
blacky says, "Her clit? Well, it
sure tasted like shrimp..."
blacky takes his dog
to the vet blacky brings his
labrador dog John Boy to the vet. The dog
strikes up a conversation with the other
2 labradors, Chocolate and Vanilla
patiently sitting in the waiting room at
the vet's office.
John Boy dog turns to the Chocolate lab
and says, "So why are you
The Chocolate lab replies, "I'm a
pisser. I piss on everything - the sofa,
the drapes, the cat, the kids. But the
final straw was last night, when I pissed
in the middle of my owner's bed."
John Boy dog says, "So what is the
vet going to do?"
"Gonna give me Prozac," came
the reply from the Chocolate lab.
"All the vets are prescribing it. It
works for everything."
John Boy dog then turns to the Vanilla
lab and asks, "Why are you
The Vanilla lab says, "I'm a digger.
I dig under fences, dig up flowers and
trees, I dig just for the hell of it.
When I'm inside, I dig up the carpets.
But I went over the line last night when
I dug a great big hole in my owner's
"So what are they going to do to
you?" John Boy dog inquired.
"Looks like Prozac for me too,"
the dejected Vanilla lab said.
Then the Vanilla lab dog turns to
blacky's dog John Boy and asks what he's
at the vet's office for.
I'm a humper," says blacky's dog.
"I'll hump anything. I'll hump the
cat, a pillow, the table, fire hydrants,
whatever. I want to hump everything I
see. Yesterday, my owner blacky had just
got out of the shower and was bending
down to dry his toes, and I just couldn't
help myself I hopped on his back and
started humping away."
The Chocolate and Vanilla labs exchange a
sad glance and say, "So, Prozac for
you too, huh?"
blacky's dog says, "No, my owner has
brought me here to get my nails