
- ADULT MATERIAL - may cause offence. Not
suitable for children/minors
blacky and the
ventriloquist A ventriloquist
visits blacky on his farm.
Hey, blacky boy, cool dog you've got
there. Mind if I speak to him?
blacky: This dog don't talk!
ventriloquist: Hey dog, how's it going?
Dog: Doin alright
blacky: (Extreme look of shock)
ventriloquist: Is this your owner?
(pointing at blacky)
Dog: Yep.
ventriloquist: How's he treat you?
Dog: Real good. He walks me twice a day,
feeds me great food, and takes me to the
lake once a week to play.
blacky: (Look of disbelief)
Mind if I talk to your horse?
blacky: Horses don't talk!
ventriloquist: Hey horse, how's it goin?
Horse: Cool.
blacky: (an even wilder look of shock)
ventriloquist: Is this your owner?
(pointing at blacky)
Horse: Yep.
ventriloquist: How's he treat you?
Horse: Pretty good, thanks for asking. He
rides me regularly, brushes me down
often, and keeps me in the barn to
protect me from the elements.
blacky: (total look of amazement)
Mind if I talk to your goat?
blacky: (gesticulating wildly, and hardly
able to talk)...... Them... them them
goats ain't nothin' but liars.......
blacky - fame at
last... Three late-aged circus
midgets were sitting around one day
talking about their lives. One said to
the other two, "You know, I am
nearing the end of my life and am feeling
empty. I wish I had accomplished more in
my lifetime so people would remember me
The other two sighed in agreement. After
a few weeks of feeling empty, one of the
midgets came up with an idea. "You
know, we do have something unique! Your
hands are the smallest I've ever seen
(looking towards the first midget), and
you, (looking towards the other midget)
have the smallest feet. And I'll bet you
that I, unfortunately, have the smallest
pecker. We should see about getting our
names in the Guinness Book of World
The other two midgets agreed. Later that
day they travelled downtown to the
headquarters of the Guinness Book of
World Records.
Sure enough, one hour later the first
midget came out carrying a big banner and
certificate. "I did it! I did it! I
am in the book. I have the smallest hands
in the world!"
The second midget went in. He came out
waving his banner and certificate in
excitement. "I do have the smallest
feet in the world, I am in the record
books forever!"
Finally, the third midget, confident of
his claim to having the world's smallest
pecker, went in. Minutes later, he came
out. He was empty handed and looked all
"What happened?" the other two
midgets asked.
The midget replied: "Someone else
has beaten me to it. Some guy from New
Jersey called blacky.... "
blacky boy gets
married This woman of 40 wants to
get married, but she is *ONLY* willing to
marry a man if he has *NEVER* been with a
woman. After several unsuccessful years
of searching, she decides to take out a
personal ad. Soon, she ends up
corresponding with blacky boy, the LC
from New Jersey. They end up getting
On their wedding night, she goes into the
bathroom to prepare for the
'festivities'. When she returns to the
bedroom, she finds her new husband blacky
boy standing naked in the middle of the
room, and all the furniture from the room
is piled in one corner.
"What happened?" she asks.
"I've never been with a woman,"
says blacky boy, "but if it's
anything like humping a goat, I'm gonna
need all the room I can
blacky buys a jigsaw
puzzle blacky boy goes on a
shopping trip and buys a 24-piece jigsaw
puzzle. He worked on it every night for
two weeks. Finally, the puzzle was
"Look what I've done, Frank,"
he said proudly to a visiting neighbor.
"That's surely somethin', blacky
boy. How long did it take you?"
"Only two weeks."
"Never done a puzzle myself,"
said the neighbor. "Is two weeks
"Damm fast'," said blacky boy.
"Look at the box. It says, 'From two
to four years..........."
blacky boy goes to
Africa An African village was
troubled by a man-eating lion. So its
leaders sent a message to blacky boy, the
great white hunter in New Jersey to come
and kill the beast. So, off to Africa he
Upon arrival, he went straight to work.
For several nights blacky boy lay in wait
for the lion, but it never showed up.
Finally, he told the tribal chief to kill
a cow and give him its hide. Draping the
skin over his shoulders, blacky boy went
to the pasture to wait for the lion.
In the middle of the night, the villagers
woke to the sound of blood-curdling
shrieks coming from the pasture. As they
carefully approached, they saw blacky boy
lying there, clutching his backside,
groaning in pain. There was no sign of
the lion.
"What happened, bwana? Where is the
lion? asked the chief.
"Forget the damn lion!" blacky
boy howled. "Which of you morons let
the bull loose.................?"
blacky joins the
army blacky boy joins the army
and signed up with the paratroopers. He
went though the standard training,
completed the practice jumps from higher
and higher structures, and finally went
to take his first jump from an airplane.
The next day, he phoned his 'pal' to tell
him the news. "So, did you
jump?" his 'pal' asked. "Well,
let me tell you what happened. We got up
in the 'plane, and the Sergeant opened up
the door and asked for volunteers. About
a dozen men got up and just walked out of
the 'plane!"
"Is that when you jumped?"
asked his 'pal'. "Um, not yet. Then
the Sergeant started to grab the other
men one at a time and throw them out the
door." "Did you jump
then?" asked his 'pal'.
"I'm getting to that. Everyone else
had jumped, and I was the last man left
on the 'plane. I told the Sergeant that I
was too scared to jump. He told be to get
off the 'plane or he'd kick my
arse." "So, did you jump?"
"Not then. He tried to push me out
of the 'plane, but I grabbed onto the
door and refused to go. Finally he called
over the Jump Master. The Jump Master is
this great big guy, about six-foot five,
and 17 stone. He said to me, 'Boy, are
you going to jump or not?' I said, 'No,
Sir. I'm too scared.' So the Jump Master
pulled down his zip and took his cock
out. I swear, it was about ten inches
long! He said, 'blacky boy, either you
jump out of that door, or I'm sticking
this up your arse.' "
"So, did you jump?" asked his
"Well, a little, at
blacky goes
exploring blacky boy goes
exploring.... and dies with a smile on
his face....
blacky boy and two of his 'pals' went
exploring and were working their way
through Africa and finally hit the
remotest spot. After several days they
come across a tribe. Thinking they were
friendly they walked into their village
where they were pounced upon, tied up and
put into a hut.
Later the chief came in to see them and
gave them a choice, death or Um Bongo.
Thinking nothing could be worse than
death they all elected Um Bongo. That
night they were looking out through the
hut window and could see hundreds of
African tribesman arriving - then it
They were dragged out tied to a post and
bent over where the whole tribe plus
affiliates ****ed them up the arse for
several hours. Later in the early hours
of the morning when everyone had enough
Um Bongo - they were released. They tried
for days to make it back to civilisation
with the sorest arses in history when
they were recaptured by the same tribe
and taken back to their village. Once
again the chief walked in and said
"death or Um Bongo". blacky
boy's 'pals' decided on a second round of
Um Bongo fearing death whilst blacky boy,
though his back passage was still
throbbing with pain from the previous
assault was tempted, he decided he wasn't
going through that again and decided upon
Then the chief raised his hands in the
air and screamed "death by Um
blacky boy really
loves his mum
blacky boy gets a new job. On Monday he
calls in and says, "I can't come in
today. I'm sick." He worked the rest
of the week, but the following Monday he
calls in and says, "I can't come in
today. I'm sick."
The boss asks the foreman about him, and
the foreman says, "He's great. He
does the work of two men. We need
So the boss calls blacky into his office,
and says, "You seem to have a
problem getting to work on Mondays.
You're a good worker and I'd hate to fire
you. What's the problem? Anything we can
help you with? Drugs? Alcohol?"
blacky says, "No, I don't drink or
do drugs. But my father drinks every
weekend, and then beats on my mother. So
every Monday morning, I go over to make
sure she's all right. She puts her head
on my shoulder and cries, one thing leads
to another, and the next thing you know,
I'm screwing her."
The boss says, "You screw your
blacky boy says, "Hey, I told you I
was sick........"
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